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The RTA Representative Assembly, our union’s policy-making body, adopted the following resolution earlier today:

WHEREAS, there is an alarming increase in tragic shootings and violence in our city affecting the safety and well-being of our students, and

WHEREAS, what happens before and after school greatly affects what happens at schools, and learning should not have to occur in an environment of danger and fear, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that Rochester teachers continue to urge the RCSD to substantially increase their investment in student safety measures, in social and emotional support services, and additional professionals – including, but not limited to, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, School Counselors – for our students, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Rochester teachers call on city officials and community leaders to address this growing epidemic of violence affecting our schools, our community, and our students by increasing resources for youth, developing preventative programs, and creating more after school opportunities, and be it further

RESOLVED, that RTA and its members work collaboratively with all others in our community to reduce violence and to create safe environments for all our students, and be it finally

RESOLVED, that RTA establish and convene a Special Task Force, in collaboration with other Rochester unions, parents, and community, to develop suggestions for improving student safety at schools and in the community, and to report to the RTA Executive Council and the RTA Representative Assembly no later than their first regularly scheduled meetings in September.

Please contact us if you wish to volunteer to serve on this RTA Special Task Force or if you’d like to recommend someone. We will keep you informed about the progress of our efforts in addressing this critical issue in our community.

Adam Urbanski, RTA President