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I hope that you’re enjoying your summer recess and I apologize for this brief interruption. I just want to clarify an issue that is of concern to especially Elementary teachers who have precious little planning time already and fear losing that, as well. We are doing all we can to avert that and I am confident that we will.

Many colleagues are concerned about what some Chiefs and principals are communicating to them about the first 15 minutes of the day – and understandably so. That plan would be problematic on so many levels. Please know that there will be no departures from our contractual language, no increase in teachers’ work time, and no out-of-unit work for teachers. We have worked in partnership with the leaders of the other three unions within the RCSD and with Superintendent Peluso to figure out a joint approach that would be good for students and schools while also fair to teachers and other school employees. The other three unions, including ASAR members (principals and other school-level administrators), share many of the concerns that teachers and the union have expressed about the troubling information that has been promulgated in the last several days. We’re all in the same boat.

Just this morning I had a very encouraging meeting with Dr. Peluso and am confident that we will, collectively and collaboratively, reach a resolution that will be a significant improvement upon what has been communicated to date. Additional meetings between the Superintendent and the leadership of all RCSD unions are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week. Subsequently, I hope to be able to email all RTA members with the details of the agreed-upon plan. 

I am sorry that teachers had to endure the confusion about this issue and grateful to Superintendent Peluso for his responsiveness to the concerns when we relayed them to him. More details and specifics on all this before the end of next week. Meanwhile, please contact us at the RTA if you have questions or concerns.

Enjoy the remaining days of summer.

Adam Urbanski, RTA President