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411 For REPS – SEPTEMBER 2019

From Aimee Rinere, RTA Treasurer… INTRODUCE YOURSELF!There were over 100 teachers hired this school year! Please be sure to welcome any new members to your buildings. Consider posting your room number, phone extension and times members can reach out to you on...

Free DASA Training from NYSUT October 5th

To all members who may need DASA training for their certification: NYSUT will be offering free DASA training for teachers and teaching assistants who need this training for their certification on Saturday, October 5th, at the Rochester Regional Office (30 N. Union St,...

APPR Appeal Process

By now you should have received your APPR score for the 2018-19 school year. If you have not received your score please contact the RTA office (546-2681). If you have received a rating of “Developing” or “Ineffective” you have the right to...