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Job Share Deadlines

Current job sharing teachers who wish to stay together are required to notify the District (Dr. Christopher Miller/ by March 1st of the intent to either continue OR discontinue the job share as of September 2021. Teachers seeking new job...

Ventilation Reports for Phase 2 Schools

Below are the School Inspection Reports from Olmsted Environmental Services, Inc. as prepared by Ed Olmsted, CIH, CSP and Jennifer Long, MS. The Phase II reports were commissioned and paid for by the RTA Health and Safety Committee. If you have any questions...

Questions to the Superintendent & the BOE

Based on the comments of teachers that have been back in the building for the last four week I have the following questions: Will the classroom trash be emptied daily?Will teachers have keys to the classrooms?Will students be required to wear masks?Will any rules be...

Letter to the BOE & Superintendent

Good evening Board Members and Superintendent L Myers-Small Speaking to you tonight on the eve of Phase two about communications. Our members communicate with our students every single day.  It is our most important duty to our students.  It is what we do...

Letter to CO and BOE

“We will treat every child like one of our own.”The RCSD logo.I implore you to stand by that. Students should be first and foremost in every decision that is made. I believe that in person instruction is KEY to that, but without clear plans that do not change daily...