Get the latest news from RTA President Dr. Adam Urbanski.
Adam’s Update (1.25.24) Staffing Timeline, First 15 Minutes, PD Opportunity, Retirement Deadline
Colleagues, Here’s a brief update: - Staffing Timeline. Although most of the staffing and transfer days for the 2024-2025 school year won’t occur until June, Middle Schools will be staffed first (projected for mid-May) followed by Receivership Schools and agreed-upon exempt positions. By then, teachers should know the starting time(s) for schools and who the principals will be. Meanwhile, we remind teachers that the deadline for applying for voluntary transfers is January 30. Teachers applying for a voluntary transfer are not obligated to accept any transfer - they are simply increasing their options during Transfer Day, if needed. Please contact us at the RTA or visit the RTA website <> for more information. - First 15 Minutes Resolved (Almost). As agreed between the RTA and the District, a Joint Task Force comprised of teachers proposed by RTA and principals proposed by the the administrators’ union (ASAR) deliberated the impact of the early 15 minutes...
read moreAdam’s Update: Tentative Agreement 1yr extension (2/28/18)
Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to inform you that we have reached a tentative agreement with the...
Adam’s Updates (2018 NYS Paid Family Leave Benefits Act)
Colleagues, Today we have submitted to the Rochester City School District a negotiations proposal...
Adam’s Update (1/7/18)
Colleagues, As you prepare to return from a long but chilly weekend, here’s a brief update on a...
Adam’s Updates: SLO memo
Colleagues, I thought I’d share with you this terrific memo about SLOs to Edison teachers from...
Adam’s Update (10/24/17)–Vote No!
Colleagues, On Tuesday, November 7, we will have an opportunity to cast a very important vote on...
10/11/17 Loan Forgiveness, Breast Cancer Walk, APPR, SLO, David Cay Johnston
Colleagues, Here’s the link to this week’s Rochester Teachers Care video...
October Update
Colleagues, Just a few timely updates and clarification on current issues: - This Friday. The time...
Welcome Back
Welcome back. I hope that you had a restful and fun summer. As you prepare to return to work, I...
Endorsements for the September 12th primary elections
Colleagues, For the upcoming (September 12) Democratic primary elections, the RTA’s Legislative...
Adam’s Update (June)
Colleagues, Here are a few timely announcements and reminders: Rochester Teachers Care Video. Our...