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This page was last updated on July 15, 2024 2 pm.

The RTA Vacancy Hotline will be open until July 15, 2024 for positions that are available.

Current Positions Available:

The RTA Vacancy Hotline is closed for 2024. If you have questions please contact the RTA office.

When you identify a position that you would like to claim (jobs are filled on the basis of District seniority and proper certification), you are to:

Email: with your name, your tenure area, and the specific position that is on the hotline that you would like to claim.

If a position is labeled “Waivered,” it is guaranteed for one year only and you will not have building rights to the school.

As positions become available they will be posted here and RTA phone line which can be heard by calling (585) 546-2768. Each opening will be posted for 5 calendar days.