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Here’s a brief update:

– Interim Superintendent. The Board of Education appointed Demario Strickland to be our Interim Superintendent as of July 1, 2024. Mr. Strickland has served as RCSD’s Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning since March of 2023 and as Chief of Schools before that. He will hold his new position until the school board concludes its search for a “permanent” superintendent. We congratulate Mr. Strickland on his appointment, wish him continued success during his tenure, and look forward to working with him for the benefit of all our students.

– Fighting Layoffs. Since the District announced last month that there may be approximately 53 teacher layoffs for next year, we have been working to figure out ways to reduce, and even eliminate, these projected layoffs. These layoff numbers are being reduced and teachers are being restored as we learn of more retirements, more resignations, and more vacancies available for teachers with dual certification. Also helpful is the fact that the District and the RTA agreed to reduce maximum class sizes for next school year in all Elementary and Middle schools. RTA is reaching out to all affected members with information and support while they remain on the preferred eligibility list. The first drop-in session at the RTA is tomorrow (Wednesday) from 2:30 ’til 4:30pm. We will continue our efforts until all projected layoffs are restored.

– School Safety. We are working with Superintendent Peluso, Mayor Evans, County Executive Bello, and our legislative leaders to identify and implement additional strategies to increase security at and near our schools. We are confident that this expanded collaboration will help us to lessen the dangers that exist and ensure greater safety for students and staff. We will keep you informed about the progress of our efforts and provide information as these strategies are finalized.

– Spread the Check. The Deferred for Summer 2025 Pay program allows teachers to have a portion of their salary withheld each pay period during the 2024-25 school year so that the withheld salary is set aside by the District and paid over the summer of 2025. This is a voluntary deduction and, if you do not wish to have the monies deferred for payment next summer (2025), no action is required. Attached below is a link to enrollment instructions and the frequently asked questions and answers related to the Deferred for Summer Pay Program.

– Get Involved. Demond Meeks, NYS Assembly member representing District 137, is a great friend of teachers and public education. He is in a tough Primary race and needs our help. Please show him that we have his back. Join us as we go to labor houses and get out the vote. The “Labor Walks for Demond Meeks are scheduled to begin at 10am on June 8 and June 15 starting at the NYSUT/RTA building (30 N. Union Street) and on June 22 at the AFSCME Hall (1956 Lyell Avenue). 

– Save the Date. The school year is almost over and we invite you to the RTA End of the School Year Social on Friday, June 14, from 3:30-6:30pm at Joli, formerly City Grill (384 East Avenue, corner of East Avenue and Alexander Street). Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. Free and ample parking is available at the RTA/NYSUT building parking lots. We hope to see you there!

Adam Urbanski, RTA President