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More than 1000 teachers, parents and students showed up to the rally and more than 90 speakers – students, parents and teachers – pleaded with the Board of Education to spare our students and to postpone the mid-year cuts. Shamefully, it all fell on deaf ears. Oblivious to the harm and disruption that these layoffs and displacements would cause, the school board voted (5 to 2) to approve the superintendent’s irresponsible recommendation for December 30th layoffs. Hours before the meeting, the District reduced the number of teachers to be laid off from 155 to 109.

At the January meeting of the RTA Representative Assembly, we will consider whether to pass a resolution of “No Business As Usual” with the RCSD and whether to call for a Vote of No Confidence in this superintendent and this Board of Education. More on that and related issues after the break. Meanwhile, we will wear black on the last day before the recess.

Thank you for showing up in unprecedented numbers and for your strong advocacy on behalf of our students and colleagues. 

Adam Urbanski, RTA President