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Legislation (S.9284) has been introduced that would repeal receivership, streamline the accountability system in law and require the Commissioner of Education to annually determine whether each public school is in need of additional support and assistance. As part of this process, any schools that require additional support and assistance must create a community engagement team that is comprised of stakeholders, such as teachers and other school staff, who will work with the administration to develop an improvement plan specifically tailored to meet the needs of the school and its students.

Under this legislation, collective bargaining rights are protected. The punitive measures of receivership, including converting schools to charter schools and the firing of teachers are also repealed.

Action Needed Please contact your Senators by Friday, May 20th and ask them to sign on to S9284. As always, it is important for us to determine which legislators are supportive and those we need to move on the issue.  Once you have completed your calls, please fill out this NYSUT form: with information regarding your conversation with the Senator and their level of support.

To find out your Senator’s contact information please click here.