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The RTA Representative Assembly, at a special meeting yesterday, voted overwhelmingly (88%) to adopt the following resolution of no confidence in the District’s current reopening plan:

WHEREAS, teachers recognize that in-person instruction best serves our students when it can be done safely and is instructionally sound, and

WHEREAS, the vast majority of parents of our students (70%) and the overwhelming majority of teachers (89%) do not trust the District’s current plan for resuming at-school and in-person instruction for our students, and

WHEREASvaccination for educators is on the horizon and it is uncertain when it may be realized for the majority, and

WHEREAS, the District does not have a coherent instructional plan and provision of specialized services to address the needs of our students and their educators for simultaneous in-person and remote instruction that would promote effective teaching and learning, and 

WHEREAS, the District already transitioned to at-school and in-person instruction for specialized programs in Special Education and now plans to transition in February to at- school and in-person instruction for all other students, be it therefore 

RESOLVED, that the RTA declare No Confidence in the District’s current reopening plan, and be it further

RESOLVED, that we urge the District not to have any at-school and in-person instruction for any Phase (1,2 or 3) until such time as the District develops and communicates a coherent plan for simultaneous in-person and remote instruction, and be it further 

RESOLVED, that we support any transition to at-school and in-person instruction in our District only when the District develops and communicates a comprehensive plan for instruction; provides the needed resources, supplies, technology and support; educators have had the option and opportunity to be fully vaccinated; and when it is safe according to CDC guidelines and instructionally productive to return without jeopardizing the health and lives of our students, their educators, and families, and be it further

RESOLVED, that RTA, on behalf of Rochester teachers, advise parents and families of our students that the District’s current reopening plan is not instructionally sound and not ready to serve our students’ academic needs, and be it finally 

RESOLVED, that the RTA Representative Assembly authorizes the RTA Executive Council to call for a Vote of No Confidence in Superintendent Lesli Myers-Small if she continues to dismiss the collective wisdom of parents and teachers and implements a plan that is not ready to serve the needs of our students and their educators. 

In addition to adopting this resolution, we are asking teachers to sign up to address the Board of Education at its next meeting this Tuesday, February 2nd. It is important that the superintendent, school board members and the community hear directly from as many teachers as possible. To sign up to speak, simply email <> or call 585-262-8525 at any time today or Monday but no later than Tuesday noon. You must include your name, telephone number, your affiliation (RCSD teacher) and the topic you want to address (reopening of schools). You’ll have only two minutes to speak from your personal experience and from your heart.

Thank you for your advocacy on behalf of our students and for your continued determination to fight for on a safe, doable and responsible learning and teaching environment during these difficult times. 

Adam Urbanski, RTA President