Get the latest news from RTA President Dr. Adam Urbanski.
Adam’s Update (9.3.23) First 15 Minutes of the Day, Auto Insurance Deductible Reimbursement, Teacher Leaders Program, RTA Educational Dinner Seminars, Labor Day Parade
Colleagues, As the summer recess is coming to an end, we are continuing to address with the District a number of unresolved long standing issues. We are making progress on some of these issues and will report to you as soon as we reach agreement. But new issues are just being communicated by the District for the first time during this last weekend of the summer break - such as additional hours of Vector Training. We’ll address these immediately, as well. Meanwhile, we want to update you on the following: - First Fifteen Minutes of the Day. Especially for Elementary school teachers, and understandably so, this is a key concern. The customary practice has been that the fifteen minutes between teachers’ reporting time and the beginning of instruction was unencumbered time for teachers to prepare for instruction. That remains the position of your union. The District, however, decided unilaterally that these fifteen minutes now could be encumbered for non-teaching and non-instructional...
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