RTA News You Can Use
Adam’s Update (1.14.25) Good News Regarding the Lunar New Year (January 29th)
Colleagues, As you have just been informed by Superintendent Strickland, the Rochester Teachers Association and the Rochester City School District reached an agreement through the Living Contract negotiations that RTA members need not report to work on January 29...
AFT Disaster Relief Fund: L.A. Area Fires
We’ve all watched in horror as fires have ripped through Los Angeles. Homes, schools, businesses and entire communities have been burned to the ground. We just had a call with local AFT leaders in the area to see how we can help. The pain and fear were palpable. As...
Adam’s Update (1.6.25) Happy New Year, Negotiations Input
Colleagues, Welcome back and best wishes for the new year. Our current Collective Bargaining Agreement expires on June 30th and we are already preparing for negotiating a successor contract. Our focus this month is to elicit input from our members. We want to be...
2024-25 Vehicle Insurance Deductible Form
RTA has agreed to help administer the District’s issuance of reimbursement for the automobile insurance deductible to any RTA bargaining unit member whose vehicle suffered physical damage that occurred while that member reported for duty. The agreed-upon...
A Message from the Office of Human Capital (Transfer Process)
In accordance with Section 24 (Vacancies and Transfers) of the collective bargaining agreement between the Rochester City School District and the Rochester Teachers Association, certified probationary and tenured staff may apply for a transfer to a new...
Adam’s Update (11.25.24) Negotiations, School Safety and Security, Containing Health Insurance Cost Increases, Reduced Class Size Limits
Colleagues, As we approach the Thanksgiving break, here’s a brief update: - Preparation For Negotiations. Our current contract expires on June 30, 2025, and we are already beginning preparations to negotiate a successor collective bargaining agreement. You will...
Discounted Amerks & Knighthawks Tix for Teacher Appreciation Week for Union Members
Join the Rochester Americans and Rochester Knighthawks for Teacher Appreciation Week! The Amerks play at home on Wednesday, November 27th at 7pm vs the Cleveland Monsters and Friday, November 29th at 7pm vs the Syracuse Crunch! Join the Knighthawks for their Home...
Adam’s Update (11.4.24) Exercise Your Right to Vote
Colleagues, If you haven’t voted already, please be sure to do so tomorrow. Attached is the RTA Legislative Committee’s newsletter with information about pro-public education endorsements by our state union (NYSUT) and RTA’s Representative Assembly. This is in...
NYSUT Members of Color Initiative Event
On Wednesday, October 9th NYSUT Members of Color are invited to dinner and a night of fellowship with other colleagues in the region. In our time together, we will learn how to avoid worker burnout and best ways to advocate for yourself in your union and...
The Impact of Political Choices on Women’s Wallets Session Available to NYSUT Members
The Rochester Women's Committee is pleased to announce “The Impact of Political Choices on Women’s Wallets” to be held on Thursday October 17th from 5:30-8pm at the Rochester Regional Office. This session will be the first in a series this year. The Agenda includes...
Adam’s Update (8.27.24) Projected Layoffs Restored, Class Sizes Lowered, Initial Payroll Date and Stipends, Teacher Leader Program, Labor Day Parade
Colleagues, As the summer recess draws to a close, we want to welcome you back and provide a brief update: - Projected Layoffs Restored. Last Spring, the District notified the RTA that 53 teachers may be laid off in the coming school year and would be placed on...
2024-25 Pay Dates
2024-25 Pay Dates for teachers in the RCSD 9/6/24 (Reconfiguration moving stipend & Middle School Incentives will also be paid on this date)9/20/2410/4/2410/18/2411/1/2411/15/2411/27/2024(W)12/13/2412/27/241/10/251/24/252/7/252/21/253/7/253/21/254/4/254/17/2025...
Tips and Links for ROConnect
ROConnect The RCSD has adopted a single sign-on platform called...
Directions for Taking Attendance through PowerSchool for the 2019-20 school year
POWERSCHOOL ATTENDANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS Here is a link on how to take attendance in the...
Options for Multi Factor Authentication
MULTI FACTOR AUTHENTICATION Below are the options for MFA, “Notify me through app”, and “Use...
Special Education Teachers Can Claim Mileage For Required CSE Meetings Outside of Their Building
Special education teachers can be reimbursed for both milage and parking when required to attend...